The Great Delta Bog
I live in the Delta of the mighty Fraser River where it meets the Pacific Ocean - on the outer reaches of a magnificent area land once known as the Great Delta Bog. This is my representation of what lies beneath the surface. Composting earth and organic matter. Water. Of the time before the cutting into the land for precious peat. Fuel. The creation that took at least 5000 years. The creation of the peat dome. This amazing ancient and unique ecological environment is vital to the health of the areas that surround it. “An ecological symphony comprising land, water and life played out for no audience in particular, but for all to enjoy". Now carved, farmed in some spots and paved in others. A place that needs protection from progress.
This amazing ancient and unique ecological environment is vital to the health of the areas that surround it, and is under threat from encroaching development and dumping.
Not that long ago (as recent as 1996) black bears lived here. Not anymore.